Dumpster Sizes

We make dumpster rental easy by providing you with 10, 12, 15, or 20 yard dumpsters. If you are doing spring cleaning or a small remodel job, consider renting a dumpster that is 10 – 20 yards in length. Whether you are doing a spring cleaning, small remodeling job or a larger project we have the right size dumpster for you!

10 Yard Dumpster

This is the smallest dumpster that we rent.  It is recommended for a one room (basement, attic, etc) or one car garage clean out that doesn’t ordinarily include heavy items.

12ft (L) x 8ft (W) x 3ft (H) — 1 ton weight allowance

12 Yard Dumpster

The 12 yard container has a little extra room and the walls are a little higher for bulkier, taller items such as furniture.

12ft (L) x 8ft (W) x 4ft (H) — 1 1/2 ton weight allowance

15 Yard Dumpster

The 15 yard container is the most commonly rented dumpster due to its medium size and it is also the best value.

14ft (L) x 8ft (W) x 4 1/2ft (H) — 2 ton weight allowance

20 Yard Dumpster

20 yard containers are best used for construction jobs. It is easy to maneuver on residential job sites. It is the biggest dumpster carried on the smaller trucks, and it is used for bulkier and heavier materials.

14ft (L) x 8ft (W) x 5ft (H) — 3 ton weight allowance

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